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Answers at your fingertips

You can scroll through the FAQs or click on a category below to scroll to that section of the page.

How will I know if I’ve received gifts?
When a gift contribution has processed, you’ll get an email letting you know someone contributed to your account. All processed gift contributions will also appear in your activity feed. Please keep in mind, any gift contributions made through an online gifting page will not be available for... Read more
Are gift-givers charged a fee when they contribute through my page?

There is no fee for bank account (ACH) gift contributions.

Using the paper Gift Form to contribute by mailing in a paper check is also fee-free.

Gift form

What happens if I no longer want to have an online gifting page for my account?
No problem. You can delete the gifting page any time you want, and the contributions that have previously been gifted (including pending contributions) will stay in your account. Just sign into your account, go to the Overview tab, and click on the gifting module. Select “Edit this page” and then... Read more
How do gifting limits work?
Gift contributions count towards your standard contribution limit for the year. Friends and family will be prevented from making gift contributions that go beyond the gifting limit you set, but gift contributions could also be capped by contributions you make. For example, if your gifting limit is... Read more
Who can send me gifts?
Once you’ve set up your gifting page, anyone who has a link to it can contribute towards your goal. You can also give friends and family a Gift Form if they’d like to mail a check contribution. Keep in mind that gift contributions count toward your annual contribution limit. So, if you’ve already... Read more
How do I set up my gifting page?
To create a gifting page:  Sign in: Click the gifting link on your account overview page.  Customize your page: Select whether or not you want to share the progress you’ve made toward your goal.  Review & Publish: Get a preview of what it will look like when someone visits your gifting page and... Read more
How does the account work?
Once you confirm that you’re eligible to open a Washington State ABLE account, you can open and manage your account. During enrollment, you’ll choose to invest in at least one of four different investment approaches, based upon your investing preferences and risk tolerance. You can choose between... Read more
How do I choose an investment option?
You can choose to invest in at least one of four different investment approaches offered by Washington State ABLE, based upon your investing preferences and risk tolerance. You can choose between the Cash Option, the ABLE Conservative Investment Option, the ABLE Moderate Investment Option, and the... Read more
Can I change my investment option?
Yes, but under IRS requirements, you are only allowed to change your money allocation and/or investment type up to two times a year. Any changes will be applied to prior contributions, earnings, and future contributions. If you do make a change to your investment option, we’ll sell your units in... Read more
What is a cash option?
A cash option is an alternative to investing. If you plan on spending money from the account in the near future, this option is faster to withdraw. Your assets are protected in an FDIC-insured account. Keep in mind that with a low level of risk there’s also a lower level of returns. See the Plan... Read more