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Answers at your fingertips

You can scroll through the FAQs or click on a category below to scroll to that section of the page.

How often can I reload the card?

There is no limit to the number of times you can reload your card on a given day or month; however, withdrawals from the ABLE account to any ABLE cards may not exceed $5,000 per day and $20,000 per month.

Can I move money from the card back into my account?

No. Once money is moved from your account onto your ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card, it cannot be moved back into your ABLE account.

What can I use the card for? Can it be used for automatic, reoccurring charges?
You can use your prepaid card anywhere Visa cards are accepted, including online bill-pay. Your card can be used for a number of everyday living expenses geared toward improving your health, independence, and quality of life. The list includes, but is not limited to: Reoccurring charges like... Read more
Where can I use the card?

The ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted, both online and in-store.

Does the card have any fraud protection or security features?
Yes. Once you receive your ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card, you can log in and set up customized restrictions on certain spending categories. You can also turn on text message alerts to notify you of a range of activity on your ABLE Visa Prepaid Card.* *Standard text message rates, fees, and charges may... Read more
Help. My card was stolen. How do I cancel my card?
If your card is lost or stolen, please deactivate the card immediately to protect against fraud and prevent additional transactions. You can deactivate the card online, through the 24/7 automated phone system (1-888-219-9054), or by speaking with their Customer Support team at (1-844-276-4547)... Read more
I don’t want a card anymore. How can I cancel it?
If you would like to cancel your card, simply log in to your card administrator dashboard and click the “Account” tab. Then select the green “Permanently close card” button. Alternatively, you can contact ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card support Please do not... Read more
How do I set limits on my card?
The card administrator can customize where the card can and can’t be used to make purchases, and settings can be adjusted to allow or block categories of spending and even block specific vendors. You can update the settings at any time by logging in to your ABLE Card administrator dashboard at... Read more
How can I use the card to track expenses?
You may obtain your balance information, along with a 60-day history of your account transactions, at no charge, by visiting or by calling 1-888-219-9054. You also have the right to obtain a 60-day written history of account transactions by calling... Read more
How can I challenge a transaction on my card?
In case of errors or questions about your card account, please contact True Link as soon as possible at 1-888-219-9054. Alternatively, you can write True Link Financial, Inc., at PO Box 581, San Francisco, CA 94104. True Link must allow you to report the potential error for up to 120 days after... Read more